3D Environment Portfolio

My dream career is to work as a 3D environment artist at a video game studio.

Below is my environment portfolio!

This is my champagne room environment

“Champagne Room,” Environment Modeled in Maya, Textured in Unreal Engine 5
This is my Dutch barnyard environment
“Old Barnyard,” Modeled in Maya and Blender, Textured in Unreal Engine 5 and Quixel Bridge, Inspired by “Barnyard Scene with Two Figures and a Cart” by Egbert van der Poel
This is my cluttered office environment
“Cluttered Office,” Modeled in Maya and Blender, Textured in Unreal Engine 5, Inspired by “Still Life with Dutch Jar and Bust of Dante” by William Michael Harnett and “Girl Playing Solitaire” by Frank Weston Benson
This is my ruined environment
“Ruins,” Modeled in Maya and Blender, Textured in Unreal Engine 5 and Quixel Bridge, Foliage and Flowers from Quixel Bridge, Inspired by “Roman Ruins” by Hubert Robert

To look at my stand-alone models, click here!

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